Investment Details
Modernized e-File (MeF) / 015-000000045
Investment Description
Modernized e-File (MeF) is a critical component of the tax filing system. It provides service to institutional taxpayers by delivering a web-based system that allows electronic filing of corporate, individual, partnership, exempt organization and excise tax returns through the Internet. Modernized e-File (MeF) is one of Treasury’s high value assets (HVAs) for its critical role in tax administration. The Office of Management and Budget defines HVAs as “those assets, systems, facilities, data, and datasets that are of particular interest to potential adversaries”.
Department of the Treasury
Investment Type
Major IT Investments
Internal Revenue Service
Mission Support
Not Applicable
Shared Service Category
Not Applicable
Shared Service Identifier
Not Applicable
TMF Initiatives
- Not Applicable
FY 2025 IT Spending
$0 M
Current CIO Rating
Data As Of: 09/19/2024
- This section displays the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Risk ratings for the investment. CIOs rate each investment using a set of pre-established criteria and issue a CIO Evaluation Number that reflects the investment’s ability to accomplish its goals within the current fiscal year. This number ranges from 1 - 5, and the higher it is, the better the investment has been rated to meet its goals.
CIO Rating Date Comments 4 Oct 16, 2023 CV: 20.29% SV: 16.64% OMV: 33.07% OVERALL: 15.63% (Green) As of Sep 30, taxpayers submitted 297.4 million Individual Master File (IMF) Returns along with over 56.9 million Business Master File (BMF) returns for a combined total of over 354.3 million returns. The 2023 submissions represent a decrease of 1.8% when compared to the same period in 2022 (over 304.7 million IMF returns and over 56 million BMF returns for a total of over 360.7 million returns). (10/19/2023). 4 Sep 19, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 11.89% OMV: 14.20% OVERALL: 5.03% (Green) As of Aug 31, taxpayers submitted 293 million Individual Master File (IMF) Returns along with over 52.6 million Business Master File (BMF) returns for a combined total of over 345.6 million returns. The 2023 submissions represent a decrease of 1.2% when compared to the same period in 2022 (over 299.8 million IMF returns and over 50 million BMF returns for a total of over 349.8 million returns). (09/19/2023). 4 Aug 17, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 0.00% OMV: 14.20% OVERALL: 2.06% (Green) As of July 31, taxpayers submitted 287.4 million Individual Master File (IMF) Returns along with over 50.0 million Business Master File (BMF) returns for a combined total of over 337.4 million returns. The 2023 submissions represent a decrease of 1.8% when compared to the same period in 2022 (over 295.9 million IMF returns and over 47.8 million BMF returns for a total of over 343.7 million returns). (08/17/2023). 4 Jul 18, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 0.00% OMV: 14.20% OVERALL: 2.06% (Green) As of June 30, taxpayers submitted 284.5 million Individual Master File (IMF) Returns along with over 44.2 million Business Master File (BMF) returns for a combined total of over 328.7 million returns. The 2023 submissions represent a decrease of 1.6% when compared to the same period in 2022 (over 291.5 million IMF returns and over 42.5 million BMF returns for a total of over 334 million returns). (07/18/2023). 4 Jun 15, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 0.00% OMV: 29.99% OVERALL: 6.01% (Green) Release 10.7 MS 3/4A completed on April 13, 2023. Cost Variance for Release 10.7 MS 3/4A was 2.17% due to less than anticipated Unified Work Requests (UWRs) received from MeF business partners. Release 10.6 Maintenance Defect 2 (MD2) delivered to Enterprise System Testing. MeF has currently no Operational Metric variance. (06/15/2023). 4 May 18, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 0.00% OMV: 29.99% OVERALL: 6.01% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (05/18/2023). 4 Apr 20, 2023 CV: 1.53% SV: 0.00% OMV: 29.99% OVERALL: 6.01% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (04/20/2023). 4 Mar 21, 2023 CV: 1.32% SV: 0.00% OMV: 51.70% OVERALL: 11.38% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (03/21/2023). 4 Feb 22, 2023 CV: 1.32% SV: 0.00% OMV: 51.70% OVERALL: 11.38% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (02/22/2023). 4 Jan 20, 2023 CV: 1.32% SV: 0.00% OMV: 51.70% OVERALL: 11.38% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (01/20/2023). 4 Dec 16, 2022 CV: 0.00% SV: 0.00% OMV: 31.91% OVERALL: 6.10% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (12/16/2022). 4 Nov 23, 2022 CV: 0.00% SV: 0.00% OMV: 31.91% OVERALL: 6.10% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (11/23/2022). 4 Oct 21, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 31.91% OVERALL: 6.51% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (10/21/2022). 4 Sep 29, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 15.24% OVERALL: 2.35% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (09/29/2022). 4 Aug 19, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 15.24% OVERALL: 2.35% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (08/19/2022). 4 Jul 25, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 15.24% OVERALL: 2.35% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (07/25/2022). 4 Jun 22, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 25.73% OVERALL: 4.97% (Green) This investment is operating within expectations. (06/22/2022). 4 May 23, 2022 CV: 1.64% SV: 0.00% OMV: 25.73% OVERALL: 4.97% (Green) As of Mar 31, taxpayers submitted over 277.6 million IMF Returns along with over 39.4 million Business Master File returns for a total of over 317 million returns. The 2022 submissions represent an increase of 28.66 % when compared to the same period in 2021 (over 212 million IMF returns and over 34.4 million BMF returns for a total of over 246.4 million returns). MeF has currently no Operational Metric variance. (05/23/2022). 4 Apr 22, 2022 CV: 1.37% SV: 0.00% OMV: 25.73% OVERALL: 4.90% (Green) As of Mar 31, taxpayers submitted over 166.5 million IMF Returns along with nearly 28.1 million Business Master File returns for a total of over 194.6 million returns. The 2022 submissions represent an increase of 6.01 % when compared to the same period in 2021 (over 158.5 million IMF returns and nearly 25 million BMF returns for a total of over 183.5 million returns). MeF has currently no Operational Metric variance. (04/22/2022). Download: Historic CIO Rating Source Data (CSV)
- The Investment Details section views help answer questions about how an investment's financial resources are being utilized, and which funds are being assigned.Download: Investment Spending Details Source Data (XLSX)
- The IT spending visualization below provides the selected IT investment's spending over 5 fiscal years. The IT Investment's spending is further broken down by Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and Development, Modernization, and Enhancement (DME). For each listed fiscal year you will see:
- Requested amount - The IT $ amount the agency requested from Congress in the President's budget request for that fiscal year.
- Enacted amount - The IT $ amount Congress actually funded through that fiscal year's appropriation.
- Actual amount - The IT $ amount the agency actually spent that fiscal year based on what was appropriated by Congress.
Download: Investment Spending Details Source Data (XLSX)
Project Name Project UID Status Planned Total Cost ($M) Cost Variance (%) Planned Start Date Planned End Date Schedule Variance (%) Schedule Variance (Days) TMF Initiative Modernized eFile Release 10.4 202258 Complete 0 3.7 0 0 Not Applicable Modernized eFile Release 10.5 202473 Complete 0 3 0 0 Not Applicable Modernized eFile Release 10.6 202570 Completed 33 3 2021-11-22 2022-12-08 0 0 Not Applicable Modernized eFile Release 10.7 202632 Completed 35 34 2022-11-15 2023-12-14 27 27 Not Applicable LowMediumHighDownload: Project Details Source Data (XLSX)
Metric Description Performance Measurement Category Unit of Measure Reporting Frequency Agency Baseline Capability Measurement Condition Target 2025 CY Latest Actual Result Date of Latest Actual Result Met Target Percent of business tax returns processed electronically by MeF. Strategic and Business Results percentage Monthly 0 Over target 73.58 2023-09-30 MET Percent of individual tax returns processed electronically. Strategic and Business Results percentage Quarterly 0 Over target 92.79 2023-09-30 MET Total quarterly cost savings derived from electronically filed tax returns. Savings achieved is based on an average of $10M target savings per quarter. This a periodic metric. Strategic and Business Results Millions of Dollars. ($M) Quarterly 0 Over target 19.1 2023-09-30 N/A Error rate for electronically filed tax returns Financial Performance percentage Quarterly 0 Under target 8 2023-09-30 MET The percentage of scheduled system availability per the approved Service Level Agreement, as documented monthly by IRS Enterprise Operations. Customer Satisfaction percentage Monthly 0 Over target 99 2023-09-30 MET The average number of minutes within which electronic filers receive acknowledgement of their electronically filed tax returns. Customer Satisfaction minutes Monthly 0 Under target 4.8 2023-09-30 MET Download: Performance Metrics Source Data (XLSX)
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