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Business Case


Table of Contents

  • Investment Summary Information
  • Investment Detail
  • Investment and Contracts
  • Historic CIO Rating
  • Investment Spending
  • Projects and Activities Detail
Section A: Investment Summary Information
Investment Name
DHS - Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART)
Unique Investment Identifier

Investment Description

The Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) is the Congressionally designated lead entity within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that is responsible for biometric and identity management services. Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) will be the replacement for the Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) and the purpose of HART is to provide core biometric and identity services to support the DHS missions as outlined in the DHS Third Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (2023) to Counter Terrorism and Prevent Threats, Secure and Manage Our Borders, Administer the Nation?s Immigration System, Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure, Build a Resilient Nation and Respond to Incidents, and Combat Crimes of Exploitation and Protect Victims.
Agency Department of Homeland Security
Point of Contact Vacant - CIO email Not Provided
Investment Type Major IT Investments
Bureau Departmental Management and Operations
Mission Support Not Applicable
Shared Service Category Not Applicable
Shared Service Identifier Not Applicable
TMF Initiatives
  • Not Applicable
FY 2025 IT Spending $136.04 M
Current CIO Rating 3
Data As Of: 12/05/2024

Total Projects


Cost Variance

  • 7Low
  • 0Medium
  • 1High

Schedule Variance

  • 7Low
  • 1Medium
  • 0High

Cost Variance

  • Low: Projects that have <10% Cost Variance
  • Medium: Projects that have ≥10% and <30% Cost Variance
  • High: Projects that have ≥30% Cost Variance
Cost Variance: ((Planned Total Costs - Projected or Actual Total Costs) / Planned Total Cost) x 100

Schedule Variance

  • Low: Projects that have <10% Schedule Variance
  • Medium: Projects that have ≥10% and <30% Schedule Variance
  • High: Projects that have ≥30% Schedule Variance
Schedule Variance: ((Planned Completion Date - Projected or Actual Completion Date) / Project Duration) x 100

Cost and Schedule Variance color coding is based on absolute values. For example, a +40% variance and a -40% variance are both High/Red.
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Date Investment First Submitted
Date of Last Investment Detail Update
Section B: Investment Detail
  1. Briefly describe the investment's return on investment, including benefits internal and external to the government and outcomes achieved or planned.
Section C: Investment and Contracts
Section D: Historic CIO Rating
CIO Rating Date Comments
3 Nov 15, 2024 The program faces a significant funding shortfall, which is a high risk to the program. HART will not achieve IOC without additional PC&I and O&S funding. ?Following achievement of program IOC, Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) will be conducted in FY26 to confirm the HART system is meeting its Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and is operationally effective, operationally suitable, and operationally cyber resilient.
2 May 15, 2024 During Q4 FY23, the Acquisition Decision Authority approved HART?s re-baselined schedule and officially removed HART from a cost and schedule breach. If Procurement, Construction & Improvement funding and Operations & Support funding is not received, HART cannot achieve IOC while continuing to sustain the IDENT investment. HART development has slowed down while DHS leadership pursues additional funding. Achieving IOC is contingent upon addressing budget shortfalls in FY25 and FY26.
2 Jan 15, 2024 In Q4 FY23, the Acquisition Decision Authority approved the re-baselined schedule and removed HART from breach. If Procurement, Construction & Improvement funding and Operations & Maintenance funding is not received, HART cannot achieve IOC while sustaining IDENT. Funding in Q2 FY24 is dependent upon the current Continuing Resolution ending and the enactment of a FY24 budget. There is limited time for testing. If issues are found and not resolved there could be additional delays to IOC.
2 Oct 16, 2023 HART received a re-baseline approval in Q4 FY23 and exited breach; however, cost and schedule variance have exceeded thresholds during this assessment cycle. Funding continues to be a risk while performing IDENT operations, the program and leadership are actively pursuing additional funding. The program is actively addressing vulnerabilities which include EOL components which keep the overall security of the system low. HART security and privacy score is red for this assessment period.
2 Jul 17, 2023 HART received a red rating in the final FISMA scorecard. HART provided a schedule breach notification during this period; the memorandum conclusion stated OBIM will develop a breach remediation plan after required funding is secured with stakeholders. O&S funding is also needed to conduct refreshes and maintenance of critical IDENT components through early FY26, a plan for funding has been submitted. Once HART reaches IOC, costs and risks with using IDENT will reduce.
2 Apr 14, 2023 Multiple systems received yellow scores in the final FISMA scorecard. HART Initial Operational Capability (IOC) continues to be delayed. Continued development and IOC achievement is contingent on receipt of additional funding; plans for needs have been submitted. Not all risks are identified in the risk register. FY23 funding reduction is insufficient to enable continued development posing risks to cost and schedule. Staffing is currently adequate. O&M activities are being transitioned.
2 Jan 16, 2023 HART systems were rated yellow in the final FISMA scorecard. The program has a number of gaps that need to be addressed including defects, message commonality, critical and high vulnerabilities, red team findings, service level agreements, database platform performance, and pre-requisites for an operational analysis. The program is conducting performance, accuracy, and message comparison testing between systems to validate that KPPs and MOPs are being met.
2 Oct 17, 2022 Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) system was rated red in hardware-managed assets and configuration management on the FISMA Scorecard. HART continues to experience database issues, defects, and vulnerabilities. Acquisition Review Board members approved the revised Acquisition Program Baseline, the program was re-baselined. The Increment 1 Privacy Impact Assessment indicates major privacy concerns. Security controls have been established to limit the scope of data collection.
2 Jul 21, 2022 Over the past year, the program has faced continual delays in achieving Increment 1 ADE-2C and HART IOC. These delays have been due to data and customer migration delays. The program has made progress on each of the migrations and is projecting to achieve IOC in Q1’23. Increment 1 PIA indicates major privacy concerns with the system collecting more information than required. Security controls limit the scope of data collection; however, this only partially mitigates this high risk.
2 May 06, 2022 HART now projects parallel operations will begin in Q3 2022 and IOC will be achieved in Q4 2022. HART received a partial increase of PC&I funding. Data migration continues to experience delays. Customer migration has experienced delays related to Phase 3 testing activities. Fingerprint matching subsystem is not meeting throughput and accuracy requirements is a high risk. Test results show that all matching modalities meet objective accuracy requirements, except for Fingerprint.
2 Jan 21, 2022 The start of parallel operations, which entails dual operations between the IDENT and HART systems, has shifted to the right due to migration delays. As a result, HART’s projected schedule to reach IOC has also been delayed. The data migration remains to be behind schedule. The fingerprint matching subsystem not meeting throughput and accuracy requirements is a high risk.
2 Nov 30, 2021 Sep’21 the start of parallel operations, which entails dual operations between the IDENT and HART systems, has shifted to the right due to migration delays. As a result, HART’s projected schedule to reach IOC has also been delayed. The data migration remains to be behind schedule. The fingerprint matching subsystem not meeting throughput and accuracy requirements is a high risk.
2 Jul 30, 2021 Jun’21 the HART IOC has shifted right from Q4’21 to Q2’22. Customer migration and data migration delays impacted the start date for parallel operations. This resulted in the HART IOC delay. The HART program is working to close out Increment 1. There is one remaining feature. If additional Increment 1 development is required, HART IOC will be further impacted. The fingerprint matching subsystem not meeting throughput and accuracy requirements is a high risk.
Data Last Updated On: 09/29/2021
Section E: Investment Spending

Table 1: Distribution by Spending Type

Spending Type PY 2024 CY 2025 BY 2026
DME Costs 10 15 0
O&M Costs 70.664 121.043 0
Total 80.664 136.043 0

Table 2: Distribution by Cost Pools

Cost Pools PY 2024 CY 2025 BY 2026
External Labor 37.025 47.374 0
Facilities & Power 0 0 0
Hardware 0 0 0
Internal Labor 0 38.765 0
Internal Services 0 0 0
Other 16.133 17.024 0
Outside Services 23.07 29.378 0
Software 4.437 3.502 0
Telecom 0 0 0
Total 80.665 136.043 0
Cost PoolsCost in millions (M)

Table 3: Distribution by IT Towers

IT Tower PY 2024 CY 2025 BY 2026
Application 16.52 29.06 0
Compute 0 0 0
Data 0 0 0
Data Center 0 0 0
Delivery 43.214 69.14 0
End User 0 0 0
IT Management 0 0 0
Network 20.67 37.543 0
Output 0 0 0
Platform 0 0 0
Security & Compliance 0.26 0.3 0
Storage 0 0 0
Total 80.664 136.043 0
IT TowersCost in millions (M)
Data Last Updated On: 12/05/2024
Section F: Project Detail

Table 1: Project Details

Project Name Project UID Status Planned Total Cost ($M) Cost Variance (%) Planned Start Date Planned End Date Schedule Variance (%) Schedule Variance (Days) TMF Initiative
Post Deployment Support 2 Future 0 0 0 0 Not Applicable
HART Increment 2 3 In Progress 0 70 27 27 Not Applicable
HART - Increment 1 1 Completed 64.52 3.2 2018-04-10 2021-06-03 0 0 Not Applicable
ECP3-6 4 Completed 73.02 2.5 2021-09-29 2023-09-30 0 0 Not Applicable
MSLS Development Period 1 5 Completed 2.27 0 2022-11-01 2023-04-30 0 0 Not Applicable
MSLS Development Period 2 6 Completed 0.3 0 2023-05-01 2023-10-31 0 0 Not Applicable
MSLS Development Period 3 8 In Progress 0.45 0 2023-11-01 2024-04-30 0 0 Not Applicable
FY2024 HART Increment 1 Agile Development and O&M Support Period 2 9 In Progress 31.83 0 2024-05-01 2024-09-30 0 0 Not Applicable

Table 2: Project Related Details

Post Deployment Support
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
    project is for support and maintenance.
HART Increment 2
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
    program increments are being developed using safe agile practices, but production releases are being done using waterfall.
HART - Increment 1
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
    program increments are being developed using safe agile practices, but production releases are being done using waterfall.
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
    program increments are being developed using safe agile practices, but production releases are being done using waterfall.
MSLS Development Period 1
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
MSLS Development Period 2
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
MSLS Development Period 3
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
FY2024 HART Increment 1 Agile Development and O&M Support Period 2
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)